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General Practitioner - Ringwood

General Practitioner - Ringwood

  • 26-8-24
  • VIC
  • Permanent
  • 70% + income guarantee
  • Flexible contract & hours
  • 23kms east of Melbourne CBD
Are you a VR general practitioner looking for a position with generous income & corporate benefits?

The Practice
  • Home to 13 GPs
  • Full nursing support
  • Bulk Billing
  • Mixed Billing AH & weekends
  • Pathology & Allied Health onsite
  • Open 7 days
  • Occupational Health & workplace medicals

The Location
  • 23kms east of Melbourne CBD
  • Pharmacy, Dentist & Radiology onsite
  • Great schooling options
  • Close to major shopping complex

Apply Now

If you are a VR GP looking for an opportunity to work within a group who provide multiple healthcare services under the one roof then this vacancy will suit you.

For further information or to arrange a time to meet with the staff please contact:

Karen Bowden
0412 203 186
Karen Bowden Photo

For more on this role, please call or email to Karen Bowden