The Specialist pathwayis for overseas-trained specialist GPs who wish to be assessed for comparability to the standard of an Australian-trained specialist GP.
Australia is the only country in the world with two GP colleges. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
Both colleges have a Specialist Pathway that recognises different international qualifications, so it is important to check the codified lists of both colleges to see if either or both recognise your qualification.
RACGP codified list ACRRM codified list
ACRRM require international GPs on their Specialist Pathway to work in a DPA / MMM4-7 location.
The RACGP require international GPs on their Specialist Pathway to work in a DPA / 1-7 location for substantially comparable GPs and a DPA / MMM2-7 location for partially comparable GPs.
Substantially Comparability = 12 month duration and no exams
IMGs who are recognised as being substantially comparable on either of the two specialist pathways are eligible to apply for fellowship (FACRRM or FRACGP) after 12 months of full-time work. Once achieved, doctors can then apply for vocational registration.
Partial Comparability = 24 month duration plus college exams
IMGs who are recognised as being partially comparable on either of the two specialist pathways are eligible to apply for fellowship (FACRRM or FRACGP) after they have completed 24 months of full-time work and passed the respective college exams. Once achieved, doctors can then apply for vocational registration.
Distribution Priority Area (DPA)
The Distribution Priority Area (DPA) classification identifies locations in Australia with a shortage of medical practitioners.
International medical graduates are required to work in a DPA location for up to 10 years as part of the 10-year moratorium.
Modified Monash Model (MMM)
The Modified Monash Model (MMM) is how the Department of Health define whether a location is a city, rural, remote or very remote. The model measures remoteness and population size on a scale of Modified Monash (MM) category MM1 (major city) to MM7 (very remote).
Government accredited GP training programs use the model to define where a GP in training must work.
Job Search
To view the latest jobs eligible for the Specialist Pathway, click HERE and select ‘RACGP PEP Specialist Stream and/or ACRRM Specialist Pathway